Friday, March 30, 2007

Project 3 - Saving Pictures

You already know and use the magic of the Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V keys (Copy and Paste, see the Clipboard lesson) - but it only works with text, to download a picture (and a checker diagram is a picture too) you need to Save it to your computer. Let's practice this:
Point your mouse on the diagram and click the Right button. There click (with the Left button) on the Save Picture As... Select a place (directory) on your computer where you would like to save the picture at. Click Save.
That is all there is to saving pictures - you can do exactly the same thing with any pictures!


Anonymous said...

I did it.

tgf said...

Try to save a couple more pictures from Shotgun' site, put them in the same directory. Then, using your Window Explorer (not the Internet Explorer) navigate to that directory and find those pictures. They might or might not look like diagrams - if all that you see is the names of the files (they normally have a .jpg extention) click on on the nameto open the file. If this all is confusing ask a question regarding Window Explorer.

Moochie said...

I hope this works. I created an account. Moochie

Moochie said...

Where is Window Explorer?

tgf said...

Very good Moochie - as a legitimate blogger you can now INITIATE A NEW POST instead of just replying. Notice the bold letters - I used that trick discussed in Project 2. Give it a try - try to make your own post. If it would not work you would already know where to look when we discuss it.

Unknown said...

JR Smith I learned it so good to know, love your lessons.