Saturday, March 31, 2007

Tip of the Day - 1

There were many tips given during our conversations - magic keys, tricks, etc. This next one could help you out on many occasions when the site refuses your password, that you know is correct.

The secret is that passwords are always case-sensitive - if your password was "checkers" and your Caps Lock was on while you typed it, what you actually typed was "CHECKERS" and that is different from "checkers".

As they never show the password, one just does not see what he types, so the Tip of the Day is: if the password does not work, push the Caps Lock key and type the password again!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Project 3 - Saving Pictures

You already know and use the magic of the Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V keys (Copy and Paste, see the Clipboard lesson) - but it only works with text, to download a picture (and a checker diagram is a picture too) you need to Save it to your computer. Let's practice this:
Point your mouse on the diagram and click the Right button. There click (with the Left button) on the Save Picture As... Select a place (directory) on your computer where you would like to save the picture at. Click Save.
That is all there is to saving pictures - you can do exactly the same thing with any pictures!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Project 2 - Simple HTML

Before I start describing HTML I want you to just try it first.
When entering a comment you will see a line above the comment box saying that some simple HTML like < b> and < i> are allowed. I want you to type (do not copy) the next line exactly as shown:

My name is <b>Moochie</b> and I like to <i>learn new things</i>.

Publish it and see what happens.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Project 1 - Entering Comments

This is a hands-on project to learn entering comments correctly.
It sounds like an easy thing but doing it is quite different.
The basic description is under the title of the blog.
Your task is to reply under "Other" identity, be sure to specify your name in the provided box. Have fun.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Welcome to Computer Help

Arthur "Moochie" McCarr offered this idea - to create a separate blog to ask "how to" computer questions. He also made a great observation:
One thing I noticed from our conversation is that I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

And it is true - how does one know that he does not know something? :)

Hopefully there will be questions, and they will lead to others, and together we will discover what it is we do not know yet, and how to do it.