Saturday, March 24, 2007

Welcome to Computer Help

Arthur "Moochie" McCarr offered this idea - to create a separate blog to ask "how to" computer questions. He also made a great observation:
One thing I noticed from our conversation is that I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

And it is true - how does one know that he does not know something? :)

Hopefully there will be questions, and they will lead to others, and together we will discover what it is we do not know yet, and how to do it.


Anonymous said...

I want to bypass the owner button when I turn on my computer. I want to go to desktop with turn on.


Anonymous said...

I sent my last comment at 7:48. The sent time 4:48 appeared with comment.

tgf said...

Good Moochie, you entered the comment but yet did not follow my direction under the title - there it clearly says to use Other Identity, not Anonymous.

Your computer is designed to be used by multiple users. Of course this rarely happens, would be nice to skip that step. For that I would refer you to Shotgun, who is computer specialist - I know little about hardware, etc.

But let's examine your question - does it or does it not help you with checkers, saving a few strokes to identify you to your computer?

tgf said...

I sent my last comment at 7:48. The sent time 4:48 appeared with comment.
Right - this is the usual confusion with time - I set the blog to use Pacific Daylight Time, which is 3 hours before the Eastern Daylight Time. A good software is supposed to automatically adjust the time for every user (like VOG does), but this is not that sophisticated, it uses a predetermined set. I just changed it to always record posts in the Central Daylight time, therefore you will see 6:48 instead of 7:48.

I assume that most of the players use Central time, it would be best for them.

tgf said...

Just to expand on the last answer - as the Anonymous user you used the Blog's default time. If you identify yourself, meaning had your own profile, then in that profile you could have specified your own Daylight time.

The time in the computer is stored in several components. The first component is the Greenwich Mean Tme - UTC (Universal Time). The second component is your local offset, in your case of Eastern UTC +5 hours. The third one is the Saving Daylight time, if used in your area (just some countries use that).

This was a sample of a totally useless trivia :)

Anonymous said...

I thought I used other. This is a test with the dot in other.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying anonymous.


Anonymous said...

This a test. Other

Anonymous said...

Moochie - AFTER you click on the Other dot, you will see a place to enter your name. Enter "Moochie" and click Publish